British Executions

Michael Hughes

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: highway robbery

Date Of Execution: 1 May 1736

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Surrey

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


John Graham (otherwise John Grimes) and Michael Hughes (see next entry) found guilty on an indictment for the highway robbery of Richard Drake in the parish of Lambeth on 17th February 1736: robbing him of a spat (valued at 5/-),a cloth coat (valued at 10/-), 2 pairs of brass buckles (valued at 12d). a pair of silver buttons (valued at 2/-), 2 pairs o scissors with silver handles (valued at 18/-), a silver spatula (value at 6/-), a pair of silver forceps (valued at 7/-), 2 silver probes (valued at 2/-), 2 lancets (valued at 2/-), a velvet bag (valued at 12d) and 8/4 in money numbered.  He was found guilty also on an indictment for the highway robbery of Thomas Parker also in the parish of Lambeth on 14th February 1736 robbing him of an iron snuff box (valued at 12d) and 8/- in money numbered.